Literary Manager, Professional Dramaturg & National Play Adjudicator
Caroline brings over 40 years of experience to playwrights creating new plays. In Calgary she has worked with Urban Stories Theatre with first time playwrights from first draft to production. She was the Literary Manger for StoryBook Theatre and along with JP Thibodeau, launched the first ever National Playwriting Awards for Theatre For Young Audiences and piloted the new play development program. Caroline was the former Literary Manger at Lunchbox Theatre. There she worked with some of Canada's top playwrights running Stage One the New Play Development Program.
She is a member of LMDA (Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas). She has served on juries and adjudicated plays on a national level. With her company Dramaturgy on Demand and the magic of Skype she works with playwrights all over the world. The majority of the scripts she works on in a year with artist clients go on to full productions.
Her motto is “When you succeed, I look good.”